Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Janette's Perfect Pink Purse"
My friend Janette LOVES purses. I amazed at how many times whatever we happen to be talking about, ends up coming around to the subject of purses! So, naturally when she asked me to make her a cake (after having tasted the baby shower cake I made for my daughter) I knew no cake would suit her better than a cute little bag.

The purse handles are made from a melted dark chocolate dove bar, squeezed out onto a piece of foil in a giant "O" shape and then frozen for about 3 minutes. I then cut the "O" in halves and inserted them in the top of the purse. I took a veggie peeler and shaved off the bumps and make the handles look more even. Thanks to my friend Sharon, who gave me the dove bar from her own purse. (good idea!)
The cake itself is basic yellow with my own special ingredients added that make my cakes extra yummy. (no, I'm not going to tell you.. sorry..)
Frosted with buttercream in bright Pink and black, it's basically 2 round laters turned on the side and stuck together with frosting. I had a lot of fun with this one!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Birthday Roses

           Pink buttercream on a deliciously seductive red velvet cake with delicate white roses.
                                                                     One of my Specialties

fast and messy bundt

not one of my better cakes, but it was a quickie job... just for fun..I used a bundt pan for her dress because I didn't have a tall enough cake pan. On the upside it was truly delicious. I ate most of it myself anyway.

the one with the the gum paste baby

So, I decided to go all out for my Daughter's baby shower. I had just bought these really cool paisley shaped pans and I wanted to make a wedding-sized baby shower cake, mostly because It's so darn much fun.
 It was a challenge to get everything done right and on time though, I was frosting that sucker as the door bell was ringing.
I am an over thinker.. if I'm going to do something, especially if it's for someone I love, it consumes me until it's done. My mind is constanly whirring with possibilities, and when the time is right, the dam bursts and  the ideas start flowing like crazy. **I love that part***

I had been tossing and turning in my sleep for weeks. I knew that the cake was gonna be special, but I wasn't sure exactly how to execute with precision the idea of  a gum paste baby on the top of the cake to represent my grandson. I was knitting a blanket for him anyway, so I knew I  would include that in my design somehow. I had never made a person from gum paste before, but I am brave.  I used my noggin and improvised tools to make texture on the edge of the blanket (my pastry cutter) and the blanket was done in like 2 seconds. Next I colored the GP with a peach that would be his head and hands..  I think his ears fell off 3 times each, but a little frosting held them on  after I stopped messing with them. I painted eyelashes on with a tooth pick dipped in black wilton coloring gel. I made a simple nightgown which comes to a point instead of having to make feet. (also matched the look of the cake shape) and I included a little "trap door'' dr. denton style, on his backside.  I went out and bought daisy fondant cutters in 3 graduating sizes. Our three colors were blue, brown and sage green. I needed (and Kneaded) the perfect flowers to complete the look. I am so thrilled at how it came out.   I'd love to know what you think.  Thanks to Kristin Lemons of Southern Columbine Creations (Photography) for the great pic of the finished cake below.